, itp_merchandise|itp_type_shield|itp_wooden_parry, itcf_carry_kite_shield, 118, weight(2.5)|hit_points(480)|body_armor(1)|spd_rtng(82)|shield_width(36)|shield_height(72),imodbits_shield, , itp_merchandise|itp_type_shield|itp_wooden_parry, itcf_carry_kite_shield, 477, weight(3.25)|hit_points(510)|body_armor(14)|spd_rtng(80)|shield_width(31)|shield_height(52),imodbits_shield, , itp_merchandise|itp_type_shield|itp_wooden_parry, itcf_carry_kite_shield, 277, weight(2.75)|hit_points(310)|body_armor(12)|spd_rtng(80)|shield_width(30)|shield_height(51),imodbits_shield, To install, do the usual and then change load_resource = shields to load_mod_resource. There are no text files, only source code to be used at your own discretion
The material settings are guestimates based on Native items and could use some tweaking. I am well aware that the alpha channel isn't exactly the greatest, and neither is the positioning of the banner (it's functional). Also included is a bonus Pavise shield that wasn't used in Native. These include the various heater/kite/Norman shields in older versions, and I have also taken the liberty of generating normal maps and re-enabling specular for existing shields. This resource pack contains Native shields modified to use the tableau system in order to display banners.