Standard internet traffic routing wasn't intended for low-latency gaming, like playing Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance with optimized ping times. When you use wtfast, you can select a Proxy Server that sends your traffic directly to the game server instead of leaving your connection up to chance. wtfast allows you to reduce the number of hops to get much closer to your game server. There are multiple hops between your home internet connection and the Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance server. Operating in less busy airspace allows private airlines to fly optimizeder than the usual commercial lines, often allowing business people to get to their destinations more quickly. For instance, private airlines fly higher in the air than standard commercial airline routes. Think of wtfast a bit like a 'optimized route,' where there are fewer cars on the road or fewer proutes in the sky.
Wtfast is a utility that helps redirect your internet traffic from the 'regular' internet to a private connection.